
One of the most effective ways to allow the Word of God to affect your life is to study it inductively. That is what this blog is all about. Typically one verse per day will be mined for insight and then followed up with how I plan to implement that insight practically. My prayer is that in some way you find this useful in your journey and that it may impact you positively. -G

Monday, February 15, 2016

Luke 1:1

1Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been
fulfilled among us,

Obviously the things that have been fulfilled at that time in that community were so remarkable that various people from many walks of life were compelled to put pen to paper and record what took place. We do not how many accounts were begun but we do know that at least four were completed and eventually adopted as part of the canon of Scripture which we have today in the form of the gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Interestingly two of these were part of the twelve disciples, Matthew and John. The other two Mark and Luke were eyewitnesses and involved in the ministry of Jesus and of the disciples after the Lord resurrected. This gospel of Luke is a meticulous and careful record of the ministry of Jesus. Luke the human author and is the only  gentile writer of any of the New Testament books. It is well believed that Luke was a physician, perhaps his training in this would explain the many aspects of Jesus’ ministry that are only found in his record. Many of the parables and miracles are only found in this account. Also the early life of Jesus is depicted exclusively here in this gospel. As a physician he would be trained in investigative, critical thinking and it serves him well as this gospel stands out among the rest for the amazing qualities of the detail orientation and the chronological order of the narrative.

I need to be more careful of the details of my life and ministry. In that light today I will write a note of encouragement to my brother Austin, working as the overseer of the school of Ignite in Guatemala. Also I will prepare my outline for next Sunday’s message. This is uncharacteristically well in advance of my more common practice of doing it the day before.

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