
One of the most effective ways to allow the Word of God to affect your life is to study it inductively. That is what this blog is all about. Typically one verse per day will be mined for insight and then followed up with how I plan to implement that insight practically. My prayer is that in some way you find this useful in your journey and that it may impact you positively. -G

Monday, February 28, 2011

Ephesians 2:22

22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.

 I find it interesting that Paul references that when we together, join ourselves, gather or create unity or a group we become a place where God is present. Indeed we have the indwelling Spirit of God in us individually but it is not until
Matthew 18:20
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
There is something about the gathering, the group that forms something more powerful...
Matthew 16:18b
...I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not overcome it.
For what is the church but a gathering of believers? Certainly it is not the building but the like minded group of people that come together in any way, building or not.

So the power of the church is not derived from the presence of a charasmatic leader who communicates to the gathering but it is in the gathering itself that brings about the presence of a Holy God who inhabits the praises of His people. PS. 22:3

So in the day and age where we can dial in our favorite pastor and go to "virtual church" we need to be careful not to forsake the gathering of the believers, for therein is power, and the presence of God. Hebrews 10:25

Friday, February 25, 2011

Ephesians 2:21

21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.

From the time of the liberation of the children of Israel from Egyptian captivity to the time of the great and beloved King David the tabernacle of God was in a tent, a temporary movable dwelling place, not so cool. Then King David put it into his heart to build a temple, a magnificent permanent building for God. He thought, "we all live in houses and yet God dwells in a tent...". His plans were thwarted and the task fell to his son Solomon to build. And build he did. It became the most magnificent building in the world at the time, one feature was that the wall coverings were pure gold, pretty flashy. The temple became a symbol of the greatness of the God of the Israelites. Their culture was dependent upon this symbol. So bear this in mind as we see Paul in these verses,  leading an offshoot of Judaism, teaching that the practice of animal sacrifice which took place in the temple was no longer necessary for fellowship with God. He constructs this premise of a living temple made up of God's holy people...
you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1Peter 2:5
In some way Paul is saying that as Christ is the one who holds together this new spiritual temple it is more precious than pure gold as it is made up of us, the apple of God's eye the crowning glory of God's creative efforts the human being.

To be mindful that my body is His holy dwelling place and that I need to treat it in a way that is honoring to the King who inhabits it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ephesians 2:20 - Jesus Alive in the Now

20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.

The whole business of God interacting with the human race begins with the patriarchal prophet Abraham with the promise of creating a nation out of his family, and then the prophet Moses and the burning bush experience. The giving of the law and then the first coming of Christ, culminating eventually with His second coming. We now live in the age of grace, the time frame where God is not counting man's sin against him and our access to Him is through faith in the redeemer He sent on our behalf.  Through the apostles we have the New Testament wherein we find the new covenant, a new agreement between heaven and earth. Now in this age God is making His appeal to all of mankind to come and have fellowship with Him, for we are all His creation but until we agree with Him that we need a savior and accept His Christ, we are not His children. It began with the prophets then the apostles then finally Christ's work on the cross which enables us to do the work on His behalf as he makes his abode in our bodies. It is in light of this ancient ancestry and current indwelling Spirit that we understand the big picture of what God is doing today. He is inviting all who will come to receive His gift of fellowship with Himself, and along with that fellowship comes peace, purpose and an eternal posterity.

To boldly walk in His presence today and be ready to speak and do on his behalf.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ephesians 2:19 - Forget the Rules...What?

19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, 

Make no mistake about it, in the ancient world the God of the Israelites was renowned for His amazing and mighty works. Remember, the whole Jewish population was at one time the slave class of the Egyptians. We in our 21st century mindset have a hard time getting our brain around that. Through the leverage of the horrific plagues and the leadership of Moses the entire nation was liberated and the captors vanquished with enormous fanfare of supernatural intervention. Believe me all the peoples of the earth heard about how the God of the Israelites cared for them.  Do you think some would be jealous and want to have been born into that family? So when Paul makes this declaration that henceforth by the blood of Christ anyone can now become adopted into the Israelite family, it was a really big deal. Remember the unique thing that God did for His chosen people was that He made a nation out of a family. Jacob's 12 sons each became the leader of a family that grew into a tribe and together they developed into a nation. No other people group can claim this, it is unique in all of history, yet we are given access to the blessings and privileges of being a part of this magnificent household.  All of this is usually lost on most people, they think we are inviting them to join a religion, NO it is a family, and the strength of a family is the relationship born out of love, care, concern for your best interest and mutual acceptance of one another and trust. Is it possible for you to you enjoy these things with a spiritual Father? Yes you can. Problem is most people think that we are inviting them to join us in keeping a set of rules to live by. I can understand how they get there, but the reality is that when there is a love relationship there is no need for rules, it is only in the lack of relationship where rules are employed. Example: I love my wife, I do not commit adultery. Not because of the rule against it, I will not because I love her, regardless of the rule.  In the same way when we love God we are led to live in a way that is pleasing  to Him and as we love others as our selves we fulfull all the rules without even thinking about them. 

To be led by the Spirit today, to care deeply for others and to walk humbly with my God.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ephesians 2:18 - Willing To Learn

18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. 

We are a tri-une being, body soul and spirit. Our bodies are the tangible flesh and blood, our soul is the part of us that makes up our personality, our emotions, intellect and our decision making process, our will. Then there is the part of us that is dormant or dead unless we are born again, our spirit. Our spirit when aligned with The Holy Spirit has access to God. Others who refuse to know God can have a spiritual experience but run the risk of being influenced by the spirit of, well...who knows what? You see it all comes down to influence. We all have our own free will, we decide for ourselves all manner of issues. Our spirit informs our will or stated another way influences our decisions. For example in the Bible it states that the evil one has come to kill steal and destroy. His minions are spirit and they influence people to accomplish his agenda, killing, stealing, destroying. So who do you think is influencing the mind of a person that is determined to commit suicide? Certainly not the Holy Spirit. The hallmark of the Holy Spirit is to reveal where we are "off" in our thinking and then will always reveal the way out of the situation. The enemy of our soul will condemn us and leave us there to seethe, wither and eventually become confused, all the while tempting us toward destruction. The Holy Spirit's agenda is abundant life, by way of humility, sacrifice, and others centeredness. His route to life will seem more difficult but in the end it is the right way for us and for those around us. He lives to guide us toward the mutual benefit of all.

To be ready for the guidance of the Holy Spirit today, to be one who is led by the eye and willing. Like the old saying goes "in order to be taught you must be willing to learn".

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ephesians 2:17 - I Wanna Be Like HIM

17 He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near.

Though many times the premise of Christ creates a whirlwind of division and strife between family members and others even between husband and wife. However Jesus is the Prince of Peace when it comes to the relationship between God and man. He is our only advocate our go-between.
For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.   1Tim. 2:5
The good news is that when we are reconciled to God we begin to walk in His grace and have the Spirit of Him to guide us into patience and self control and the like, so that we can begin to become Christlike and live an irrestistable life to those around us. At least that is the game plan. Unfortunately there are many jerks for Jesus who are hell bent on judging others and cannot figure out how Jesus spent his time with notorious sinners and yet remained attractive to them. Likewise we need to learn to attract people toward our abundant life while not demanding that they "clean up their act" before we are willing to befriend them. But to exude all of the fruit of the Spirit in such a way that they would desire that for themselves.

To remember that Christ Jesus came into this world to save it and not to condemn it. I want to be like Him.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ephesians 2:16 - God is into the New Thing

16 and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. 

We do not readily experience the hostility spoke of here in this verse as vividly as it was displayed in the first century. Indeed there are barriers between Jews and non Jews here in America but it is not that big of a deal, since we are united by our American culture. The bigger picture here is that God divided humankind into two groups, the Jew and everyone else. The point that Paul is making here in this verse is that up to this point in time God was in relationship with the Jews and now He was making a way for everyone else to enjoin in that coveted relationship. At this time this was an upheaval of their system like nothing they had ever experienced. Many embraced the new "way" yet others were unwilling to see what indeed God was doing.

To be open to a new thing that God may bring into my life, to remember that He is always creative, and that His ways are higher than mine so I should be ready to lean not on my own understanding.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ephesians 2:15 - Our Great Nation

by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace,

The new law of love is the basis of western civilization. The natural law is brutal. Survival of the fittest, whoever has might is right. However the law of love is one which is contrary to our natural inclinations. It says to the weak, we will make a way for you, for the poor is says we will help. When you visit cultures not influenced by the great law of love you find abject poverty with no one even working on a solution. Except the Mother Theresa type who are transplanted. The law of love will always prevail. For it provides a better life. It is not our democratic form of government which was informed by this great law, nor is it capitalism which enables our society to tower above all others economically. Fact: US economy - 14 trillion per year, our next closest competitor is less than 5 trillion. There is something about this law of love that has been proved through the ages and now through our politics that indeed the societies which are influenced by this law have created a better life for it's inhabitants. Pardon me for being politically incorrect but the facts are the facts.

To humbly rest in the occurence that I am a blessed individual to have been born into this great nation.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ephesians 2:14 - The Keys to the Heart

 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,

Consciously  or unconsciously before we know Christ there is a proverbial wall, a barrier between us and God. Some liken it to running from God. Others vehemently disavowing His existence. Nonetheless we are alienated from Him one way or another.  Once the believer settles down and begins to learn of the true gentle character of God, the ultimate irony befalls the  believer.  That God's primary intent for us is to bless us, with the riches of such magnitude that we could never fathom ourselves.
That is when we realize the foolishness of our running. As He lavishes His blessings on us we begin to recognize the barriers that we used to have are all the more present in the lives of those around us who have not stopped to learn who He really is.

To have the patience and grace to bear with those who are blinded by their barrier to God and to seek Him for the keys to their hearts.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ephesians 2:13 - The Greatest Love of All

13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

The outstretched arm of our Savior willingly placed upon that cross was done as a proposal, inviting all who would come to Him to be known as His. In the same way that a young man on bended knee proposes to the girl of his dreams, our Jesus makes his proposal a blood covenant. The parallels are amazing. When a marriage proposal is made there are many important questions wrapped up in that one decision. For example, everything that belongs to the groom will become the shared property of the bride as well. The groom is proposing that their friendship would be above all other relationships. The triumphs and tragedies of life would be henceforth shared and experienced together. Lastly but more than all the rest is that the bride would become a new person in regards to identity, she will no longer be known as her maiden name but will take on the name of her husband. In the same way, when we accept the proposal that Christ makes toward us from the cross, he is proposing that all that is His will be ours, He wants to give us His Spirit and to crown us with His mind, to be intimate with us even in our own thoughts. A friend that sticks closer than a brother. Then also once we agree with this amazing proposal we are known by His Name: Christian.
That is how we are drawn near to God by the blood of Christ. It is a most extreme , that demonstrates the greatest love of all.

To be mindful of who I belong to and to remember that His care and love for me is that of a perfect, compassionate loving husband over his cherished bride.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ephesians 2:12 - Spiritual Zombies

12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world.

It is a funny thing that before we know Christ we are not aware of our lifeless spirituality. We tend to try to fill that God shaped hole in our hearts with various and sundry myths, movements and mantras. Eventually concluding that none of that satisfies in the long run.  In the short run however we can distract ourselves with all kinds of things like sports, business, relationships, addictions, materialism etc. in between "reaching out" spiritually and for many we can live a lifetime away from God skipping along from one issue to another, one mess to the next, situation after situation always unsatisfied and eventually if we are not sedated, finally seeking the truth with an open heart. Enter the Savior stage right. If our hearts are open He will always reveal Himself. No matter how far we run from Him He is always one step behind if we turn in earnest seeking the truth.

To be grateful that my spirit is alive in Him and .to be on the lookout for spiritual zombies, who are looking for Jesus yet do not yet know it.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ephesians 2:11 - Clarify the Intents

11 Don’t forget that you Gentiles used to be outsiders. You were called “uncircumcised heathens” by the Jews, who were proud of their circumcision, even though it affected only their bodies and not their hearts.

The pitfall of every believer is to demonstrate an outward appearance of holiness yet inwardly be far from God. The old "talk the talk and not walk the walk". The difficulty lies in the fact that there is pressure to "look the part" and that is the visible and most obvious aspect that gets "judged". Yet inwardly only our own spirit and the Spirit of God knows what is really going on. The key is to begin working on our thoughts and motivations, then it will spill out into our words and then our deeds will follow. So test yourself to see if indeed you are in the faith as Paul admonished his disciples.

To be careful today of my thoughts and intentions. To clarify that I am indeed in tune with God's Spirit.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ephesians 2:10 - The Lord's Piece de Resistance

10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

piece de resistance - the outstanding item (the prize piece or main exhibit) in a collection, collector's item highlight in a collection or showpiece.

Humankind is the ultimate crown of God's creation. Being made in His image we have the complexities of self awareness and most importantly the capacity of free will, which sets us totally apart from all other created beings. With that free will the most astounding ability we posess is that we  are capable of loving one another. This is why the whole of the law and the prophets is summed up in the golden command to love one another because we alone have this capacity, and as we do we reflect God's most intrinsic characteristic, love.

To find ways to be more loving today, to seek God for His Spirit to be this.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ephesians 2:9 - Do The Right Thing For The Right Reason

9 not by works, so that no one can boast.

Have you ever had a situation where once a certain thing was established or in place then everything else just "clicked"? Well the principle in this verse is one of those. Our good works, the things we do for God, or to further the Kingdom are not to be done to earn God's favor or to buy our way into heaven. In fact in Isaiah he states that our good works are as valuable as filthy rags, so don't go getting all puffed up about them. Conversely the proper motivation to do good works should only be out of gratitude of what God has already done done for us, or as we walk with Him and our will becomes more and more in tune with His then we will do the things that He would do, just like Jesus. He said "I only do what the Father tells me to do" When we get this right then all the rest will fall into place and we will be led by the Spirit and find that to do His will is like food for the Christian.

To get my self out of the way so that I can be in tune with His Spirit today and accomplish what He has for me.