Ephesians 2:14
For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,
So then why is there hostility between various groups of peoples even within the church? It boils down once again to the age old being a doer of the Word vs a hearer only. You see therein lies the challenge. Indeed there are many deeply held animosities and discriminations that find their itinerary meander through various swaths of ignorance, boorishness and eventually finding its origins at the pit of hell itself, for all of this is authored by the father of lies. In Christ we have a way to live together on earth as we will be living in heaven in sweet unity. Under the banner of Christ first, meaning we recognize our humble and pitiful condition at the foot of the cross, there is no room for national pride or any iota of seeing oneself better than another due to the color of skin or the geographical location or even lineage of birth. At the foot of the cross none of that matters, in heaven none of that matters, absolutely none of it. What does matter however is how well we were able to see past our differences and connect the core of our being which is or should be centered on Christ. When Christ is central to your life, I mean front burner, moment by moment, forefront of your mind, walking in step with the Spirit, baptized with power from on High and the fruit of that is gentleness, humility, patience, peace and the like being worn like a garment over your personality then there is not an iota of hostility toward those who are different from ourselves but a striving for unity in the Spirit through the bond of peace. Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
To be baptized in the Spirit today. for further insight into this verse see my wife Margaret's blog here: