1Cor. 12:4There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.The body of Christ is designed in a certain way according to the wisdom of the Designer.
1 Cor 12:12
Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.
The body of Christ is complete, He does not make mistakes, He does not form incomplete works. He has created every member of the body to function a certain way.
Likewise each of us are designed to fulfill a particular part of the body of Christ. Our giftings further direct the purpose we have in His plan.
He has arranged us to work together, just the same as the physical body has differing parts with differing functions. For example how useful would a body be if the kidneys or the knees refuse to function, it would affect the overall ability and potential of that body. In the same way for instance with a group of interns, some are called to lead and others are called to administrate or to give. Each of us needs to step up into our calling wtih our giftings to fulfill the part of the body we are and to do it all out, so as not to hinder the functionality or potential of the body as a whole. The Lord directs our place in the body through our "calling". As we see here in...
Eph. 4:1 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
There are several callings which I have received. I am first a Christian bearing the name of Christ upon every aspect of my life. I am also a husband, a leader, a teacher and mentor. These are all important roles that are integral to whatever community of believers I find myself blessed to be in.
As Paul wrote these words he was anticipating the further growth of the church which was just beginning to bud at this time. Each of us has a part in the body, that part is our calling, which is refined by our giftings. Paul is urging these first century saints to step up and identify these things and to live them out fully.
The foundation of the Church of Christ was held in the balance of whether these first believers properly fulfilled their functions in the body.
I need to bear in mind the obligation I have to the body of Christ to walk worthy of the calling I have received. Therefore today I will make a mental inventory of my position and my role and look for ways to be more diligent and organized. I will adopt the practice of spending 15 minutes devoted at the end of each work day to work on my task/todo list.
As Paul wrote these words he was anticipating the further growth of the church which was just beginning to bud at this time. Each of us has a part in the body, that part is our calling, which is refined by our giftings. Paul is urging these first century saints to step up and identify these things and to live them out fully.
The foundation of the Church of Christ was held in the balance of whether these first believers properly fulfilled their functions in the body.
I need to bear in mind the obligation I have to the body of Christ to walk worthy of the calling I have received. Therefore today I will make a mental inventory of my position and my role and look for ways to be more diligent and organized. I will adopt the practice of spending 15 minutes devoted at the end of each work day to work on my task/todo list.