8 He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.
Whenever we are touched by God there will always be an emotional response. Our emotions are responders to what is going on in our minds. As this man is physically healed he begins to register that he can walk and will have for the first time a prospect of a normal life he emotionally freaks out with exuberance. Our emotions directly reflect our thoughts, for example if there is a man who is poor and he needs money to pay the rent, and he has a wife and children who need food and he has been out of work for months and he comes to me and asks for a loan, emotionally he will be sullen and serious. Say I write him a check for $2000. what will his emotional state be as he leaves my office? He will be elated maybe even giddy... because he has in his hand a real solution to a real problem and now his children will have a decent Christmas...etc. Until he gets to the bank and tries to cash that check, when the bank teller explains that the check was not good and could not be cashed, what do you think his emotional state would be? Previously he was elated because he THOUGHT he had $2000. but in reality it was just a piece of worthless paper. So he did not actually have a solution to his problem but his emotions which were real elation and even giddiness responded to something that was false. It is important to understand that our emotions are easily tricked and not reliable to make decisions upon. In the case of this man in the Temple well indeed he was elated and rightfully so because he was touched by God and God does not do things half way.
I need to remember that my emotions can be manipulated and that they are not reliable to make decisions with. I need to be able to discern the difference between the leading of the Lord and my emotions, those are very different and must be distinguished from one another.